Shipping Instructions and Procedures

Packaging & Labeling

  1. Always double box to help prevent break-in (most boxes fit inside each other). If you use your own box, the box must have a dimension of one cubic foot or dimensions similar to a Federal Express box.
  2. Seal the ends of the box with extra tape to help prevent break-in.
  3. Mark the outside of the box with a small mark so that you can identify if your box has been switched. When making this mark, do not make it obvious to others; use initials or tracking number or even company stamp. This cannot be reproduced and would make it easier to determine the nature of the claim.
  4. Labels must have your account number with the delivery service in the appropriate space provided.
  5. Do not use words describing valuable contents on the label; such as jewelry, gold, coin, or items perceived as having a high value. It is better to use an abbreviation or person's name on the package.
  6. Make sure you are named as the sender.


  1. Person shipping the goods must be an authorized employee or agent of the approved company in order to place insurance coverage on the package.
  2. Make sure the recipient or their personal representative is present when package arrives.
  3. Shipper is responsible for making sure a signature release is not on file at carrier.
  4. You must never authorize a shipment to be released without a signature. There is an area in the shipping bill for this; NEVER SIGN IT.
  5. Coverage is limited from the time of acceptance by the delivery service until the completion of delivery at its destination, so use common sense in picking your destination. For example, do not send to hotel for delivery to a person; have the person pick up at local delivery station or Post Office.
  6. Do not insure the package with FedEx, UPS or Post Office.
  7. For statistical purposes, please report losses on all packages shipped, whether insured or not, to This will help us identify problem areas that the delivery service is experiencing, so we can inform the delivery service of the issue.
  8. If you are shipping to a known exchange, it is recommended that you use an alternate address. Contact for special instructions on a case by case basis.
  9. If you drop ship using another authorized member, it is your responsibility to make sure all instructions are clearly followed. If not, this could result in denial of coverage.
  10. You are authorized as the insured, so do not permit others to ship on your behalf using your account; they must be authorized by in order to secure coverage.


  1. Refer to your policy for the Maximum limit insurable allowed per package.
  2. No overnight letters or envelopes will be insured.
  3. For full coverage, shipments must be business to business. This can be a licensed home business. Deliveries to home have a maximum limit of $10,000 unless pre-authorized by
  4. For full coverage, an Overnight shipment made on Friday must be designated for delivery on Saturday, with a carrier who delivers on Saturday. Overnight shipments made on Friday with delivery designated for Monday delivery are limited to a maximum of $15,000.
  5. Overnight shipments made on the eve of any holiday that cannot be designated for delivery the following day will be limited to a maximum of $10,000.
  6. Deliveries to New York with a zip code of 10032 and 10036 as well as Los Angeles zip codes 90014 and 90013 have a maximum limit of $15,000.
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